27 March, 2012


The 2ww is not over and I've already lost my mind.

I feel totally un-pregnant :|

Not a single sore boob, nausea or anything. Uggggg Last time my body just knew, I felt so much at first... Right now all I feel is depressed and I'm crying and I feel frustrated... pretty sure it didn't work, I feel nothing except emotion.

I will test in a few days... I'm 11DPIUI and on CD 25.
I hate these feelings. Last time I felt everything, maybe I did mess up the timing. Fuck me. I want to pull my effing hair out... *pulls hair out* *stomps foot*.

I'm so afraid of a negative test... All I can think is - there goes another chunk of money and crap we have to wait another month before we can try again.

What ever will be, will be...

Sorry for my rant - I'm sure will feel like a jack-ass if I am pregnant. *sigh*


  1. Here's hoping you feel like a jackass :) Sending you big hugs.

    1. Thank You!! I hope I do, and will eat my words gladly. Thanks for the hugs, and I sorta kinda felt like a bit of a jackass after I calmed down and re-read my post. Meeeow. Feeling a bit better now, as there is nothing I can do except wait, and accept whatever outcome is placed in my path.

  2. Hopefully the emotions are caused by pregnancy hormones! :) Some people (so I hear, anyway!) don't "feel" pregnant at first!

    1. Thank you Bird :) I hope so... I will be glad when this wait is over, and I don't want to go and waste a bunch of money on tests, so I am just going to try and remain calm. I just had to get it out earlier. I felt like I needed to scream. Then after I calmed down I felt silly for getting emotional, then though well maybe that's a sign?? Uggg. I need to go into hibernation for the next few days. lol

  3. UGGGGHH! Hoping your emotions are wrong! Sending positive thoughts your way!

  4. Don't lose hope! You have just a few more days, hang on. Fingers crossed for you!

  5. Don't give up hope yet! I felt the same way, no signs of anything! my mom would call and run down the list of symptoms, I would sadly say no no no, The day before my bfp I had a break down I was crying and so upset that it wasn't going to be the month. I even took a "mental health" day off work! I was so depressed the whole day, I hardly left my couch! The next day I got my BFP...So please don't give up hope! Sending you all the positive vibes in the world! xoxo

  6. The emotion still needs to come out even if you are preg, though, hon, that's natural!!

  7. There's still a few days left - don't lose hope yet! (Although I understand ... like you, I "felt" pregnant before my first BFP, and that's the only time I've ever had that feeling. The other times, when I felt nothing, resulted in, yep, negatives.) Thinking of you, thinking of you, hoping this is it and that you'll have posted this for nothing ....

  8. Your feelings are your feelings and you have every right to feel & express what you are holding inside. It's ok. I'm rooting for jackass!

  9. Most of those symptoms that you mentioned are caused by progesterone. I never feel much in the way of real pregnancy symptoms until after six weeks. I'm holding out for 'jackass'...even though you shouldn't feel like one. :)

  10. Still holding hope for you and sending hugz and good vibes.


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