14 March, 2012

The call...

Today was one of those days :|

I think the hormones I've been taking this month are officially in full swing, because I cried all morning; however I had a good reason to and here is why.

Last week I received a letter in the mail from my Insurance company that said "Congrats on being half way through our pregnancy" Uggg... yea one of those. So I called and told them that I was no longer pregnant and that I miscarried in Nov. So today I get a call today from United Health Care and of course I answer it thinking it could be something important ---> WRONG!!

They were calling to check and see how my pregnancy was going. Are you effing kidding me?!?!? *pulls out hair* Seriously??? You freaking know the instant I don't pay a bill, yet you can't make a little note in your effing system that let's ya know I am no longer with child?????

I was fairly nice to the woman on the phone, because I knew it was not her fault, and I could tell that she felt horrible once I told her what was up. So, after getting off the phone I proceeded to burst into tears. I cried while cleaning the kitchen, I cried letting the dogs out, and I cried before the hubby got home. I was grieving all over again :| I dried up, cleaned my face and let it go. There is nothing I can do. It was a mistake and I just had to feel what I was feeling and be at peace with it. I feel much better now. I'm not going to let it destroy me! If I were not about to jump head long into this 2nd IUI, it may have been way more emotional for me, but I have something to look forward to... and I couldn't be more happy about that.



  1. Ugh, that is so annoying. Why can't they get their notifications straight! Hope you feel better.

  2. Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry! But I'm glad to see you're keeping your head up and looking forward to the next round.

  3. Yay for having something to look forward to. Keep thinking positively!

  4. I am so sorry that you have gone through this today. It's aweful. I have been in the same place before and I know how to well how this stings! Hang in there, keep positive thoughts for the upcoming IUI.

  5. You have to be kidding! So sorry for the punch in the gut. Hopeful for this next step!!

  6. I mean seriously wth? Well I love ur positive attitude, something great to look forward to! Such inspiration!

  7. I'm so sorry!!!!!!!Sometimes I feel like life is full of ackward and painful moments!

  8. Ugh! Stupid insurance strikes again! I'm sorry you had to go through that!

  9. I am so sorry this happened to you on every level. XOXO love & hugs your way!


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