20 March, 2012

Happy Spring Equinox!!

Happy Spring/Vernal Equinox ♥

I stepped outside this morning after the last of the storms passed through and I felt great as the sun peaked out from behind the clouds and said hello! I was in a horrible mood last night when I got off work. I just felt stressed and anxious about work and one of my employees calling out on a day that we had an event. I figured it all out, but it sent me into this unbreakable mood. Uggg. But... I woke up this morning feeling renewed so that makes me happy.

I am officially 5DPIUI - Eeek! I'm totally tying not to think about it. . . This morning I looked up at the sun and just smiled, I walked over to the apple blossom tree in my backyard and noticed that it bloom just days ago. I felt that it was a sign, hehe. The beginning of spring brings new life *sigh* I'm trying really hard not to have obsessive thoughts so instead I'm focusing on my Birthday this weekend in order to keep myself distracted - let's hope that it works!! Hahaha. I work for the rest of the week so that should also help things along. I hate 2WW's, but knowing it's a medicated cycle with IUI - gives me a great hope from within that maybe, just maybe we'll be blessed this time. It would be fabulous ♥

I never got around to doing my Vlog when we did the IUI so I did it this morning.
Have a great day everyone!!



  1. UGH! TWW bites. I'm in mine now too. Good Luck!

  2. Ugggg. lol Good luck Rebecca :) I hope this is a good month for the both of us! It would be so nice to not have to try so hard anymore, hahaha.

  3. I'm in my first ever (well that I know of) TWW! Goodluck to all of us!!

    1. Megan- How exciting and how nerve wracking :0 I wish you lots of luck on your first 2WW, and Yes - Good luck to all of us :)


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