28 March, 2012

Humm... not too sure!

First off - Thank you all sooooo much for all the supportive and positive comments you left on my page yesterday and today. It means so much to me! I hate to be negative, but I had to get it out yesterday!!

Today is CD 26 and I am 12DPIUI

After my emotional freakout yesterday I decided I would test this morning after Josh went to work. And I did. I got a super, super faint line, so faint you can barely tell that it is there, so faint I feel like my brain might have made it up.

This pic is not the best, but it was the only one to actually show this *line* I speak of!

I'm obviously not convinced that it is a necessarily a positive test, so I'm definitely going to test again in the morning to see if it shows up again... OMG, omg, omg... I'm totally freaking out here. Please don't' let this be an Evap line, please, oh please don't let this be a joke. . .




  1. I most definitely see the line!!! I would say test again in the morning for sure! I know it's driving you crazy, but try to get some rest and let us all know what it shows! Sending good vibes and positive thoughts your way! Oh and I absolutely love your vlogs, so real and honest! :)

  2. Eek I'm trying not to freak out for you but that is definitely a faint line...please keep us posted, I so hope this is your cycle!!!!

  3. THERES A LINE!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck!! YAY

  4. AHHHHHHH!!!!! OMG!!! A line is a line is a line! faint or dark its a line! :)))) EEEK!!!

  5. Um, that is totally a line! Mine was like that when I tested too. The only thing to be cautious of is if it's leftover hcg from a trigger shot. That can stick around for 10-12 days I think.

  6. That looks like a line to me!! I've always heard a line is a line, regardless of the how faint or bold it is. As far as pregnancy symptoms... don't let that be your only indication. With Cameron, I never had any signs other than a missed period during the entire pregnancy. With Nathan, it didn't even dawn on me that I was pregnant... the thought never crossed my mind. I mean, really?!?! We'd been told a "natural" pregnancy was just not going to happen! It just happen to hit me one day that I couldn't remember my last period, so I tested. My symptoms, with him, didn't kick in until about the 6th week. I had horrible nausea from then until I delivered him at 4 months. Everyone was convinced that he was a girl because of how sick I was.

    I'm sending tons of hugs and prayers your way. Keep us posted!!!! :-)

  7. I didn't have any symptoms with Landen.... I didn't even know I was pregnant with him till I was really late for my period I went to my obgyn and that's what my test looked like. Then they did a digital one and it said pregnant! My symptoms didn't kuck in till 3rd month. My second child the test looked like that then I did a digital one 5 days later aNd it said pregnant. The symptoms kicked in arojnd 2 month. Every pregnancy is different esp when it comes to symptoms and what not.
    I do see a line and a line is a line..... get a digital one, but also the further your are along the stronger the hcgs are the easier a test reads.... so if you get a faint line tomorrow don't give up test again over the weekend.

  8. That is totally an awesome line! :)

  9. Yep, I agree with all the others - that IS a line! Looking forward to seeing the next one!

  10. That is a line! It is it is! That's awesome!

  11. Looks positive to me! I hope this is it for you!


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