29 March, 2012

Bummer - It was negative

**Update** Beta is set for 9:15 Friday morning.

I tested this morning after only sleeping for about 5 hours and it was negative :|

(insert the curse words of your choice here _____________ <---They've already been said)

I'm just going to wait until Sat or Sunday and test again. Maybe my initial gut feeling was right, maybe I'm just not pregnant, maybe others were right when they said the blue dye pregnancy tests are just evil and mock woman in their most desperate moments; stupid little faint line. Who knows?!?!

I've decided to *try* and be at peace with whatever the outcome is. There is nothing I can do at this point to change anything. *sigh* It is what it is

If it is negative this weekend then we'll just wait for AF, and try again in May. I can enjoy a hormone-free April :) I have to look at it positively, or else I'm going to lose my mind, lol and I don't have time for that crap. I feel a bit frustrated, but nothing like I did the other day. Thanks for all the super sweet comments. I was feeling down after taking the test and driving to work this morning, but seeing all your comments lifted my spirits a bit more and gave me a tiny boost in the "hope" department - Thanks everyone.

Have a great day everyone!!


  1. what the.....*^&%&^$!! :/ stupid test! Big Hugs! and Lots of Love!

  2. Darn it! I'm sorry it was negative today :( Enjoy your hormone-free April, I can understand what you mean. As much as I'm ready to get back to TTC, I am trying to truly enjoy every day having my body all to myself. It's a refreshing change of pace.

  3. Sorry about that negative. I've heard bad things about the blue dye tests. I still have one analog version and two digital ones that use the blue dye. Next time I'll buy the pink dye ones, they rarely lie.

  4. Blue dye tests are evil tricksters! I am so sorry. I wish that you guys were able to try every month ;( Any chance with the clomid you might get your good ovary to cooperate twice in a row? Sending big hugs and virtual chocolate your way.

  5. I am so super sorry. I make hella good cupcakes. Want some?

  6. Oh I am so so sorry...sending big hugs and wishes for lots of good food and drinks this weekend :)


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