I was super excited to see Jenica, the office manager of the Fertility office. Jenica did IVF in December and got pregnant!! It was great to see her - She had that special kind of glow about her :)
It was weird driving into the parking garage. I have to admit that it made me feel a little sick to my stomach at first, but as soon as I walked in the door of the Fertility office I was greeted by Jenica's big smile *sigh* and that settled my nerves. There was a couple waiting in the lobby area, and it made me think back to the day Josh and I first visited the RE office. We were so nervous and hopeful. We were newbs, lol
I got weighed in, poked with needles, had my blood stolen, and then I was sent to that room... The room where everything fell apart in November. If those walls could tell stories... It was the room where we learned our little bean had died *sigh*. It was a little difficult, but I survived.
Dr. L came in with a bright smile on her face and gave me a big hug. I also got hugged by Coral which was really, really nice <3, they are all so wonderful! Dr. L asked me how I was doing, how I handled the last few months, how Josh was doing, and if I was having any pain. I told her I was doing much better, that I cried a lot in Nov and Dec, and that I was really angry during the month of January. She listened to everything, and was very empathetic to the things I was feeling and saying, I didn't feel rushed - Best RE ever!!! I told her that I'd been having a lot of pain in my right hip, and asked her if it was because of the Endo. She said probably, but we could not be certain.
I asked her if I should do anything different this time around... I've had people suggest that I take baby aspirin, She said absolutely not!! It has not been proven to really make a difference, and that it would be best not to add anything to our cycle. I felt better. So many people want to tell you what you should do the next time around, and it's a little frustrating sometimes, because even though you know you're doing everything you can, it still makes you feel like your not doing something right. lol
She started the ultrasound and went after my left side first. I could feel immediately that something was off when she started the internal ultrasound. As she moved the wand to the left it made me jump. It hurt. Great :| On the screen we could see that my Endometrioma (cyst) was back, right along with the blood sausage covering my left fallopian tube. :( Freaking wonderful... Errrrr *stomps feet*
I have stayed on Birth Control since the miscarriage to keep the Endo from going crazy, and it looks as though it did not help me. Stupid...stupid...stupid - Endo *angry eyes*.
We could see all the baby eggs on each of my ovaries, so that's a plus!! We decided that
Dr. L, is concerned because of my left side, and I'm totally pissed off at my left side. Why does my body have to betray me like this?? It is not fair. I cried on my way back to work yesterday. I was not expecting that my Endo would have grown back so quickly. I am grateful to move on with the IUI, but I felt defeated. I felt like the surgery I just had in July, was useless. . . She hinted at IVF. I asked her if IVF would really be an option considering our problem is staying pregnant. Dr. L said that IVF definitely gives us a better chance, because they are picking the absolute best egg... They grow them for about 5 days and then transfer, so they have the ability to get rid of the ones that will eventually not make it.
So much to think about. . . I'm hoping we get lucky, and that the IUI works again. I will start monitoring my LH surge this Sunday with OPK's, and The hubs and I will do our BD every other day...
I also bought Pre-Seed for the first time ever, 23 bucks for lube - Hahahaha. "Honey, this ain't yo grandma's lube", bawhahahha. Has anyone else used it?? Has anyone had luck with it?? I hope it helps!! Please Wish us luck, and pray that Letrozole does not turn me into a crazy woman, lol!!
CD 5 - Vlog
Hi! Thanks for following my blog. Sorry to hear about your endo coming back so quickly! I was just diagnosed after my lap. in November (after 5 years of trying!)We tried Pre-seed a couple years ago while we were on a fertility med break...obviously it didn't help us conceive but it seemed to help a little(I have terrible CM due to my crappy hormones). It wasn't the longest lasting stuff,IMO, but worth the try! Looking forward to following along!
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome! I love to read other ladies stories, it's very cliche, but I don't feel so lonely knowing others are in my shoes :) Sorry about your Endo discovery... Although, it's nice to know what you have instead of just wondering and dealing. Thanks for following along with me as well!! I'll let ya know if Pre-seed does anything for us :)
DeleteHi! Thanks for following me! I am excited to follow your journey. I like your style babe!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you are having trouble with your endo and blood sausage. I don't have endo so I can only imagine how difficult that is. Good luck on this cycle! Hugz to you!
Thanks Emily!! I appreciate you following along as well... I stumbled upon your blog from another blog, so I'm happy to follow your story too!! Best of luck ladies!!
DeleteThank you for the comments! I know they aren't doing clomid, well the old doctor didn't want to as I didn't do so hot on it. She wanted to do Letrozole, so well see if this new doctor wants that as well. Hope this IUI works for you, I'll be following along.
ReplyDeleteNo Problem!! I hope if all goes smoothly for you :)I handle Letrozole way better than Clomid. It made me have crazy, crazy hot flashes... Although, Letrozole made me very tearful, lol. The things we do in the name of Infertility. Best of luck to you, and I totally look forward to following your journey!!
DeleteI am so excited for you! Pre-seed is great, but a little goes a looong way-trust me! It tells you to fill up the dispenser to the line and holy crap it was like a slip and slide! hahaha Fingers crossed for you. Looking forward to reading this journey of yours!
ReplyDeleteOhhh Thanks for the advice :)I will def remember that so we don't have an accidents, lol!!!