10 February, 2012

3 Months

Yesterday was 3 months since our loss...
I would be about 24 weeks right now...
We would have been cleaning out that room and making a nursery...


I'm a fan of a page on Facebook called Infertility Awareness and I jacked a few quotes from the page!!!

Each day I see them, they make me a little more stronger :)

Grief knits two hearts in closer bonds than happiness ever can; and common sufferings are far stronger links than common joys. –Alphonse de Lamartine (1790-1869)
Courage is being afraid and going on the journey anyhow. – John Wayne
You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair. –Chinese Proverb



  1. I think the 'would have beens' are the hardest obstacles to get past. I 'would have been' nearly 5 months now - each milestone brings thoughts of 'what if' but you're right, day by day you do get stronger. I'll be praying that your journey will take a joyfull turn soon!! xx

    1. Thanks so much!! And I'm sending loads of positive & sticky vibes your way! PS- Happy late Birthday :)

  2. The what ifs are heartbreaking. If my first pregnancy had stuck, I'd have a 3 and a half year old. That boggles my mind. My husband and I go out on that due date, to celebrate our baby in style (and by in style, I mean with wine). Time does march on and it gets easier. It's the marching that's hard.

    1. Yes they are... I'm getting better at dealing with it, but its days like yesterday that leave me dreaming about what could have been. You are sooo right.. Marching is the hard part. Thanks for your sweet comment!!

    2. Of course!! We're all in this together!!!

  3. I completely understand about the 'would have been'(s) too. It's a tough thought to think! I bought (my first ever) indoor plant as my little way of remembering the baby that I never got to meet. I felt like I needed to have something to acknowledge my first pregnancy, as there will never be a 'first' pregnancy again.

    Those quotes are great too! I might find myself telling my husband that John Wayne quote....

    1. Ali, I'm sorry that you too, have had to know the feelings of loss... I plan to bury my sonogram picture this year in June. I have a small bag with the sonogram pic, a few pregnancy tests, and my hospital bracelet. June 5th was my Due date, so I plan to have a private moment that day and plant a small tree in my backyard. It will be a nice way to remember what "could" have been. And you are soooo right... There will never be another "first pregnancy"... I've suffered 3 losses now and that rings so true.

  4. Love the quotes! One of my best friends sent me a quote for each day of a cycle, which I saved for those particularly tough days- here's one of my favorites:
    "Courage doesn't always roar.
    Sometimes courage is the quiet voice
    at the end of the day saying,
    "I will try again tomorrow."
    - Mary Anne Radmacher

    Hoping tomorrow is better!

    1. Thank you Laura!! I love the one about courage not always roaring :) And what a sweet best friend you have, to send quotes like that.. Very sweet! Hope you are having a great day!!


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