16 May, 2011

CA 125 Levels

Waiting and more waiting - that seems to be my thing lately lol. I'm definitely learning a lot about patients these days and it feels like that's not the first time I said that either hahaha. Last Wednesday I got the blood test results back on my CA 125 test and they were elevated to a level of 146. Oddly enough that's one of my favorite numbers *inside joke and a story for another time*. I'm not exactly sure what that (146) means yet... I did some research online and normal levels are supposed to be at 35. I went for my ultrasound Friday morning and I didn't find out anything :/ It's disappointing that you're never able to find out anything until the pictures are sent elsewhere and reviewed - Booo to that! The sonogram technician said she couldn't tell me anything pretty much as soon as I came into the little room. I didn't even get a chance to ask but she immediately gave me this long spill about the procedure and how she couldn't tell me anything and that...was that! I got the feeling she get's verbally harassed by anxious patients wanting answerer right away lol. It took about 45 minutes, she did an external ultrasound and an internal ultrasound which was rather uncomfortable. She made a joke and said "your uterus is just like mine! It just kinda sits there slumped to the right" I wasn't really sure how to feel about that *smh*. It was funny how she said it, but then I felt sorry for my uterus all slumped there to the right being pathetic *bahahahha*. She took lots of pictures and made sure the screen was turned away so I couldn't see a single thing. Errr! Thank goodness I had a mini weekend trip to Oklahoma to keep my mind off things. My baby cousins, Andrew and Erica graduated High School :). I drove my grandmother to Wilburton, OK and my best friend Anna tagged along too. It was a nice drive up and back. Gas totally sucked at 3.89 a gallon but it was totally worth it to see my cousins feeling proud, confident and excited to see grandma, to know she made it... as she always said she would. I'm really proud of them both considering the difficulties they had growing up. Tomorrow is my last day off so I guess I'll do some laundry, mow the yard, figure out what color to paint the living room *which will be a battle in its self* and wait for Coral to call about my scan results! I hope everyone has a blessed week ♥

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