26 April, 2012

Ready for May!!

The break is almost over *wooohoooo* Today is April 26th, I'm on CD 26 and AF should be here this weekend*happy dance*. I love it when I get all kinds of excited that my period is on its way, lol. Only an infertile waiting to do treatment would be excited about AF. If I had not started my period on the 1st, I would not have even known what CD I am on, lol. I have not been keeping track this month and it has felt refreshing!

The break has been really nice and to my surprise very much needed *sigh*. Something I realized while on this break is that I've been such a freaking hermit over the past year. Even on this break I could barley get myself to blog or even read other blogs. I guess I really needed the alone time Uggg. Sometimes I want to slap my self and say "what's wrong with you". I did a few NIAW posts so that kinda got me out of my little blogging funk! I went out last weekend and saw some really good friends I'd not seen in at least 6 months, it was such a great feeling getting out of my house and to feel normal for a change :) They moved and live on the lake now, I didn't even know they moved, what a bad friend I've been. When I got there the sun was setting and it was simply breathtaking. I totally needed to see real beauty, beauty that I could breathe in. . . I also went out on Saturday with my Girls!! We went to the Main St Art's Festival... I may or may not have had a bit too much to drink, lol. I can't drink at all like I used to. I'll stick with my wine instead of Vodka. Vodka has seriously not touched my lips in a very, very long time, haha, it was worth it!!

Any-who I'm ready for IUI #3 - We can do this!! And, come on AF it is time to get this show on the road!


  1. Sounds like you had a good weekend! Sometimes it's so nice to just hang out with friends and feel normal again. Good luck with #3!!!

    1. Thnaks Becky!!! I hate that I forget to be social :)

  2. I know what it's like to feel like a hermit! I'm that way a lot of the time! I'm slowly, but surely making my way our my shell just one step at a time. :) We also have had "break" months for various reasons and it's nice to be excited for AF for once, isn't it? :)

    1. I have been a hermit for a long while now, I mean, I guess part of me has really needed it, but getting out of that pattern is kind hard sometimes. Hoping you are able to jump on the crazy train again soon :)

  3. It's great how a small break can make you feel recharged again! I hope AF shows up soon!! =)

    1. It is truly amazing. I think we forget what it's like to be normal sometimes.

  4. Woohoo for de-hermiting yourself and getting out again! Sounds like just what you needed! Bring it on, #3!

  5. We've taken a couple of breaks during this journey, and they all ended up being so helpful to our sanity! You sound really happy, and that is wonderful. Now I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that your next IUI is a lucky one!

  6. I definitely have hermit tendencies, too! Sometimes you need a break from blog-reading and writing. Glad you had fun with your friends and excited for you with your upcoming cycle!

    1. Thanks Detour :) I hate being in my little funk, but I know in the end it's basically to protect myself and others from my emotions, lol.

  7. Oh I am a total hermit. Breaks are always needed even if you don't think you need one, it helps. Glad you had a nice break. Crossing everything and hoping so hard for this cycle.

    1. As much as I didn't want to have a break, I'm really glad we did :)

  8. I'm glad you enjoyed your break and your girls. Good luck!!

    1. Thanks Amy!!! Girl time was definitely needed!!

  9. Go you! You sound refreshed. Here's to lucky #3!

  10. Good luck with your upcoming IUI!!

    PS. I nominated you for an award

    1. Thanks Rian, that's really sweet!!! I will stop over and take a look :)

  11. Nothing wrong with being a hermit from time to time. Sometimes you just have to put yourself first. I wish you the best on your IUI!
    By the way, I'd like to give you the One Lovely Blog award. See my post here for details. :) http://infertileoptimist.blogspot.com/2012/05/thank-you.html

    1. Thank you Ann!! I will stop by your blog today and see the award- Thank so much :)

  12. Good Luck to you!! I wish nothing but the best!


    Check out my blog post with a special shout out to you!

    1. Awe :) Thanks so much, that is super sweet of you!!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I am just coming off a break as well, but am a week behind you... my period is due next weekend. I can completely relate to what taking a break is like - we had to take a 2 month break, despite what we were hoping, but honestly, I think it's been for the best. After my first round of injectables, I had a nasty cyst that wouldn't go away. After one month of taking a break, it was still there! So then I was put on BCPs, which I'm just finishing up now.

    The news of taking a break was devastating, as I just wanted to get the show on the road. But, like you, it's allowed me some time and space to be ME... not "infertile me", but ME me. And the best part is that I haven't been focusing on getting pregnant, which is such a nice change after years of focusing on that one (seemingly unattainable) goal.

    Fingers crossed that this is your month! I've added you to my blog roll... look forward to following your journey! :)

    1. I hate cysts... Uggg. those are the worst. Thank you for such a sweet and open comment, you rock!!!

  15. Thank you Rebecca!! I hope you are feeling better :)


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