14 April, 2012

Liebster Nomination!!

I received a Liebster Nomination from Alexis at "Our Journey Through this Lovely Life" 

Liebster is a German word meaning dearest, and the award is given to up-and-coming bloggers

Thank you so much, Alexis!! You are such a strong woman - I admire your strength and spirit!! If you don't know Alexis, please stop over and say a big Hello, she recently suffered a 2nd loss after TTC with Infertility and she could always use some extra love and hugs.

I also wanted to mention that another of my blogging friends is going through a loss, she too has been TTC for quite some time, this was her first pregnancy after IUI and sadly they have been diagnosed with a Blighted Ovum, please stop over at "Home Grown Love", give Slynn some positive thoughts, hugs and as much love as you can spare, She and her DH need all the love anyone can give!

Now. . . 
On to the Leibster Nomination

Each Nominee Should:

• Choose five up and coming blogs to give the Liebster award to. 
Blogs must have less than 200 followers.
• Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them
& post the award on your blog
• List the bloggers you gave the award to with links to their sites. Leave a comment
on their blogs to let them know they have received the award. 
• Share five random facts about yourself!

5 Random facts about Me!
1. I'm naturally red headed with Freckles everywhere except my butt cheeks!
2. I'm an Aries, with Virgo rising and a Leo Moon
3. I enjoy painting, drawing and all things Art
4. I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid
5. I love movies set during the 1800's :)

Ladies I would like to Nominate

Have fun everyone and have a great weekend!!



  1. Cool. I'm a Leo and I have freckles almost everywhere too.

  2. You are a very popular gal! I was tagged with the Lovely Blog award and have passed it along to you. :-)

  3. Thanks so much for nominating me!! I tagged you in a Q & A, if you get a second check it out, I would love to hear your answers. Hope you are doing ok and enjoying your "off cycle" as much as you can!


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