01 April, 2012

April Fools Day 2012

AF arrived today - Happy April fools Day, sorry your IUI failed. Haha :)

April first is never really a great day for me or at least it hasn't proven so over the last few years lol. Last year I remember going in on April 1st, it was CD 3 and my first baseline for what was supposed to be my first IUI, I felt on top of the world, only we found a huge cyst on my left ovary, so that threw a major roadblock in our path and I was crushed in an instant. it did lead to my surgery which was a blessing in disguise, I guess.

I'm going to call the fertility office in the morning and let my Doctor know that my period arrived and see if she has any suggestions for this month, or just let her know we're taking a month break :) I already feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off me, and I feel good about not doing anything this month!! I need a girls night out on the town, and not being on meds or having to time things will make a night out much more enjoyable, plus getting to have an normal sex life for a month sounds pretty amazing - no stress, is my kinda thing!!

We ripped out the carpet in our back living room today and if felt great!! I feel as thought I released a lot of residual anger from this failed cycle, Plus the Pnut and I make a great team ♥ Have a Great week everyone!!

After ripping the carpet out I needed yet another project to keep me occupied, so I made a slide show video form our Vegas trip pictures!!



  1. Love your attitude! A girls night out always helps.

  2. Sorry to hear AF came - but it sounds like you have a great way of turning a negative into a positive. Best wishes on your next cycle!

  3. I hate AF. Hate. Hate. Hate. But I love that your furbabies are sitting outside the slider watching your demolition. (or at least I think the silhouettes are furbabies). XOXO on the month of relaxation.

  4. Ugh, sorry AF arrived for you...it did for me as well. Not my idea of a funny April Fool's joke :(

  5. Well onto the next cycle, yes I know you said not this one because of your ovary issue, but I'm implying the following one. I'm still waiting for AF to show up. Not pregnant but its annoying having to wait this out.

  6. So sorry. I hope you are able to enjoy a 'free' month!

  7. Hope hope you're hanging in there...thinking of you

  8. I'm so sorry to hear about Aunt Flo... she sucks! :-(

  9. Hi! I tagged you in a post so I can learn more about you :) http://lovelytransitions.wordpress.com/2012/04/09/taggin-along-before-zzzz/


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