22 May, 2012

That time again - May ICLW

Welcome, May ICLWers!!

Thank you so very much for taking the time to stop by my page *waves Hi*

If you want the long version of our journey you can visit here.

I am 29 years old and my Husband is 31 - We will celebrate 9 years of Marriage this week on Thursday the 24th Eeek- ♥ We have been attempting to get pregnant and stay pregnant for the last 8 years. . . We've spent the last two and a half years seeking treatment and have suffered several miscarriages :| I have Stage IV Endometriosis which blocks my left tube and has caused extensive scarring, but the Husband has a pretty decent swing team so that is an excellent plus!!

Today at 10:30am we completed our 3rd IUI paired with Letrozole. This will be our 3rd "try" since my miscarriage in November 2011. Hopefully this will be our lucky #3. We should know by the first week of June if our IUI worked. That will be the same week I would have been due with my sweet little bean *sigh* Let's just say it will either be the best week I've had in forever, or it will be a rather crappy week where I'm forced to crawl into a hole and hibernate until I'm old, grey and all my eggs have dried up, hehehe. 

This may very well be our last shot with IUI. I'm hoping and praying with everything that I have within me that it works and sticks. I'd love to have a little Valentines Baby *sigh* We can't afford IVF so if this doesn't work we'll most likely take an extended break, try on our own and save for IVF.

*fingers crossed*



  1. Totally crossing my fingers for you! & Congrats on the 9 years!! So awesome!!

  2. Sending lots of prayers and good vibes your way! Happy anniversary!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog, hope this works for you. I thought I was already following you, but I am now

  4. Oh happy anniversary for Thurs! My 8 year anniversary was last Friday 18th... Obviously May is the best time of year to get married right!?!? I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for your next attempt (and hopefully it's your last attempt, for the RIGHT reasons).

  5. You have a new profile pic up. I like it! You are super cute you know. I really, really hope this is the ONE for you. Someone needs some good news right about now. :)

  6. Nine years - congratulations! That's something to be proud of. I really hope this is the magic IUI and that you guys receive the news that will make Bean's would-be due date a bittersweet time instead of a hibernation-inducing one. And like Slynn, I love your cute new pic too!

  7. From ICLW #80. Wishing you lots of luck this cycle! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed! And happy anniversary!!

  8. I hope this is your lucky cycle! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you. And Happy Anniversary :) I hope you get to do something special tomorrow.

  9. Happy Anniversary to you two!! Hoping this is the golden IUI! Lots of luck and love! XO

  10. Congratulations on the anniversary!!! And I am keeping everything crossed that this will be THE IUI for you!!! You have so much hope and optimism for the future, it is quite contagious!! Keep up the happy thoughts and know we are all rooting for you friend! xx

  11. Hi from ICLW. Here's fingers crossed and prayers out to you for the IUI. And Happy Anniversary.

  12. Hello from ICLW! Sending you lots of positive vibes for your IUI. Happy anniversary as well!

    ICLW #26

  13. Everything sounds so good! Crossing everything and Happy Anniversary!

  14. Happy Anniversary! Best wishes on your IUI! :-)

  15. Hi from ICLW. Happy Anniversary! I'm sorry for your losses, but wishing you the best of luck with this IUI!!

  16. Wishing you the very best of luck with your IUI. I'm so sorry you've gone through the losses and hope and pray you don't have to go through any more.

    ICLW #65

  17. OMGosh you are so cute!!! I love your excitement ... it is infectious :)

    I really do have my fingers crossed for you. You are right though - it'll either be the best week or the worst......

    Happy ICLW from #3


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