19 May, 2012

IUI# 3 CD -12 Follicle check!

Well ladies. . . My CD-12 Follicle check went well! My right ovary listened and did great work this month, because I have a SUPER-EGG and several other great sized follicles!!! *happy dance* Let's all give my right ovary a round of applause, lol.

Dr. Laura did say that my lining looked really thin :| Although I'm not extremely worried, plus she said the day I go in for our IUI we'll do another check of the lining. This month when AF ended I continued to have light spotting up until CD-10. I had a feeling it was going to be thin. Like I said, I'm not going to worry about it, because this is what happened to me on the very first IUI cycle we did in September. I remember calling the Fertility office freaking out, because I was still bleeding. They calmed me down and said I'd be fine and to call if it didn't end in a few days. When we did that IUI we didn't even do a follicle check or even a lining check, other than on CD-3 baseline, we just did it with no hesitation, lol. So what I'm saying is. . . my lining must have thickened up on its own because I did get pregnant!! So. . . I'm not that worried.
Dr. Laura said that she didn't like that the Letrozole was thinning me out so much, so she kind of hinted at possibly doing an injectable cycle next time if this one does not work. But. . . Yes, there is always a but! She is worried about doing an injectable cycle, because my left tube is blocked. I have no idea what an injectable cycle will cost, I'm sure it isn't cheap :| Uggg. Oh, and yes.... Blood sausage is still there. Fun times I tell ya - Overall the appointment went really well and I feel sooooo hopeful :) Dr. Laura even had a little present for me, *blushes* She got me a necklace with a tiny little owl on it. I love owls, she said she hopes it brings us luck. I put it on and I don't plan on taking it off until this cycle ends in a BFN or BFP. . . and if it ends with a BFP I may never take it off, hehehe. Right now I'm just waiting on my surge so we can get this show on the road!!

I am happy to announce that I lost some weight over the last two weeks - Yay!!!After jumping on the scale and seeing 153 I decided to stop going crazy with all the sweets and huge portion sizes ( I love food and flavor) So I am now down to 144 *sigh* I feel more comfortable with that number. . . I've been trying to eat super healthy, we have not had fast food in almost two weeks, plus I've been drinking tons of water! I eat Fiber Flax seed bread with my sandwiches, raw fruit, raw greens, vitamins, carrot juice and mega green juice. . .  I feel really, really, really good about this cycle.

I love the feelings I get when I'm cleared for a treatment cycle. I suddenly feel more alive than normal, I have a certain kinda pep in my step and I am filled with unending hope. I smile more. I cry tears of hopeful joy and I begin to imagine myself with a little one. I don't imagine being pregnant, but I am filled with little visions of myself as a mother, or visions of Josh teaching our little one something super important. I can see him now being so protective and nurturing.. . . Just walking through my house I'll stop and imagine a little toddler running ahead of me to let the dogs out, or a little toddler splashing around in my bath tub. If I can see it in my head, then it must be possible right???

I'm going to pray to any and all Gods that may be listening and hope 
with all my heart that this is our lucky # 3 ♥

IUI # 3 Vlog



  1. I really hope this is your month! Everytime I see someone getting pregnant with endo gives me hope!! I will keep following your journey and hope you have your little one soon!! I will have my laparoscopy next month and can't wait to be my turn to get a BFP!

  2. Great job, right ovary! Glad you are feeling more lively and have some pep in your step - being positive through all of this is so difficult but so POWERFUL! Praying for you as you approach your IUI! <3

  3. Crystal, you are hilarious. I've never watched your videos before, but I've gotta make this a regular part of my blog reading. Awesome!!! I have hope for your super egg too! You totally brightened my evening! :)

    Enjoy the weekend! Almost time to get this show on the road!

    What, may I ask, is blood sausage?

  4. And I forgot to mention - love the owl necklace in the video! :)

  5. Yay! Great news!! Go right ovary! Congrats on the weight loss, too. Fingers crossed that 3 is your magic number :-)

  6. I was told I needed to do an all injectable cycle (for TI or IUI) because I responded so poorly to Clomid. They never tried Letrozole/Femara though. I was quoted $2000-2500 for the IUI and everything that goes with it, and $500 for the injectables (Gonal F pen & trigger). Not sure what you pay now. But this is why we stalled so long moving to IUI.

  7. Hooray for a super egg! Wonderful news. Sending you positive thoughts for the IUI next week. :)

    That's an incredible amount of weight loss too! Way to go!

  8. Hey, this is great news! Hoping you get a BFP soon.

  9. Yay!! So glad that you're cleared for this cycle, that's great! I'll be joining you with IUI#3 this cycle as well. Here's to hoping the third time is a charm! =)

  10. Hooray! I knew your right ovary would behave. :)
    Wishing you lots of luck with this cycle. How exciting!!!

  11. So glad to hear you feeling so upbeat about this cycle! Good luck!

  12. Good job, right ovary, and I'm glad you feel so positive for this cycle! I love when you get to do your happy dance, and I hope you will be doing an extra-special happy one very soon!

  13. That's great your ovary is cooperating this time! Your weight loss has inspired me as well, I need to get serious and do the same. I have everything crossed for you this cycle!

  14. Yay, round of applause for the right!! Congrats on the weight loss as well!!

  15. Hooray for weight loss! Im down 14lbs a few weeks ago by doing same thing! Glad its the right side so you can move forward and hopefully have a baby Bernard joining the bunch Fingers crossed that IUI is successful!!! Good luck doll :-)

  16. Just stopped by from ICLW. I hope that your cycle is successful. It sounds like you have everything in order!

    IUI with injectables can vary anywhere between 2500-5000 just depending on what medication you are using. Also remember that chances do go up some with injectables.

  17. Oh how I have missed your vlogs!! Glad to see your ovaries up and running again....fingers crossed for you this cycle!! Xoxo

  18. Happy ICLW! I remember how sucky those hot flashes are...wishing you the best this cycle! Grow eggs, grow!


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