29 April, 2011

So much fun!

Mr. Pnut and I got dressed up and had our pictures taken downtown Fort Worth on Wednesday!! It was soo much fun and Josh was *grrrr sexy pnut*. He looked great and was ohhh so charming. We had an amazing photographer (Crystal Michelle Mayes) who does "Serendipity-Photography". We went to high school together...although I don't think we ever had a class and I think she knew me from knowing Josh who was the mascot when she was a cheerleader. Needless to say we've been friends on Facebook for sometime now. Since the day she started posting and taking pictures I've been a fan of her work. I'm so glad we did it because she is great to work with, fun, sweet and has an awesome eye for detail in those sweet moments. She has posted two sneak peeks and all I can say is "Wow" She has made us look amazing...I mean we look great *giggle* already but she totally nailed it :) I can't wait to see the rest but for now here are the two pictures! Enjoy and please check her out @ http://www.serendipity-photography.us/



  1. I like your photos! Great shots! Thanks for sharing this!...Daniel

  2. I'm a fan of her's on FB she does great work, but I'm sure you two made it easy for her. You are a very photogenic little lady!


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