31 March, 2011

A Strawberry Celebration ♥

My 28th Birthday was more then I could have asked for!! I felt Happy and Loved on the anniversary of my birth ♥ I took Friday and Saturday off, which is rare. Being a manager at a downtown hotel usually doesn't allow for a weekend life *sniff sniff* So taking the two days off felt really nice and it was very much needed. I slept in on my birthday and when I woke up was alone because Josh was already off to work. My Grandmother called to sing happy birthday to me! My birthday always starts with a song from her and it makes my heart happy. I got up, lounged around the house listening to amazing music, sat on the back porch and admired the pretty flowers I planted recently! They were alive with vivid color and standing tall...gathering all the suns love. I drove downtown to have lunch with my awesome & crazy best friend...Sarah Bird. We walked to Mamba's a little Mexican place right off Houston St. The food was great and not as pricy as some of the places on my side of downtown. I enjoyed really, really lunch with Sarah, she always has such interesting stories to tell lol. We've celebrated the last 8 years of our birthday's together...we've had some memorable times. After lunch I went back home and waited for Josh to get off work, he got home and was really tired and kind of blah...so I crashed out and took a nap. I woke up at 6:00 and was supposed to be at the Bowling alley at 7 to get our lanes! Eeek. I was running around in a nap-daze trying to get ready...it was certainly a sight to see *giggle*. Finally we were on the road to *bowling-fun*. Josh and his sweet self let me jamm to Lady Gaga on the way!! Bowling for my birthday was a pretty genius idea I do have to say so *hehehe* I wanted to do something different and this was the best idea I've had in a while! Sooo much fun :) There is nothing better than pitchers of beer and bowling alley food :) Anna's boyfriend Jim came out with her which was a first, the guys Anthony and Justin came, my friends Lindsey and her friend Michelle, Angie and Brandon from work, Jen and Wooky and of course Mama Sarah! They made me feel super special and we all had a freaking blast!! I had a few shots, some vodka tonics and let me tell you.. I was feeling pretty groovy by the time Josh whisked me out the door. Walking out to the car I some how stepped off the curb and slide on the side of my foot and *road-burned* the side of my foot...eeeek! It doesn't look pretty hahaha. Josh and I passed out pretty much right after we walked in the door and hit the bed. I woke up wide awake and 5:30 am and chugged about a bottle and a half of water...woke up and felt great! The next day got a visit from my first childhood friend, Sennicca. She was in town from Tennessee. I also had dinner with the Family on Monday night at Joe's Crab shack. I had craw-fish...yumm! I was also forced to stand up with paper towel wrapped around my head and a bucket in hand with a spoon at Joe's. I was supposed to be the energizer bunny...lol. I really, really dislike that stuff...although I'm too nice to be mean about it at the time and just grin and suffer through it lol. It was a fabulous weekend... The only bad thing is that... I was sick with strep throat the week of my birthday *boooo* It totally sucked. I normally don't go to the doctor for colds or anything unless I'm dying of a sinus infection. I had kind of a scratchy throat one night and the next morning I woke up and my whole body hurt, I had fever and my throat was on fire. So I left work and went straight to the doctor because they stopped taking walk-ins at 11am. I felt so bad I fell asleep in the waiting room chair all curled up in a ball. I went in as a walk in and so I was at their mercy, the wait was long and I didn't care who was sitting next to me. I knew I had strep before they even gave me the strep test. Uggck...I got some really strong antibiotics and some fancy cough syrup :) I was still a bit sick on my birthday, but now I'm finally feeling about 90 percent better...my sinuses are still a little angry with me :)

I definitely had a great birthday this year! One that will linger with me for years to come. I also want to say Thanks to my wonderful Husband and my truly awesome friends for helping me celebrate another year of *Strawberry Greatness*.

I love you all so very much ♥

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