09 June, 2012

I planted my Tree!!

I want to say again how grateful I am for this community and the support I have been given! Thank you to everyone who reads my blog, because it means a so much to me!!

I also want to say that if you do not see many posts from me over the next few months please do not be alarmed, lol. I'm just going through emotions that require more of *me* time!! More real *me*, not *me* on the computer contemplating all things infertility. I have to heal myself, and I can't continue to do things in the same way that I have in the past. I have been immersed in the world of infertility for so long that I need to regroup and figure out how I truly want to move forward, if I want to move forward. . . In order to do that I need feel better emotionally and physically. I need to support myself more instead of just shoving myself through each month mindlessly.

I'm not giving up on trying to conceive our little miracle, but I am stepping away for a while. I'm 29. I'll be 30 in March. I want to be happy when I turn 30. I was miserable turning 29, waiting to see if I was pregnant since we'd done IUI right before my Birthday. It failed. I failed. Emotionally it was the worst birthday I've ever had. It was fun and I was surrounded by my awesome friends, but I was numb inside and I hate that I have let infertility steal that from me. I have become such a hermit that I'm watching my life pass by, I miss my friends and I miss being happy. We need to save money, because I don't want to waste  money on ingectables with the severity of my Endo. If we are going to save money then I want to save for IVF. My doctor says I would be a great candidate because we know I "can" get pregnant and I have plenty of eggs. I feel a sense of relief knowing we are taking an extended break. *sigh* I have had thoughts of whether or not I even want to purse IVF. . . Maybe I'm ready to walk away and find peace with it all right now. I have been battling these thoughts very intensely as of late. I think if anything we'll always try no matter what, and if it happens well then so be it. I don't know what I'll do, I just know that I can't deal with this my whole life. . . I'm gonna to need to dig really deep in order to understand where I need to go from here.

I'll still be around lurking about and reading your blogs and perhaps even commenting. I hope to see many bfp's in the future for all you ladies!! And I'll probably post randomly about my life. . . Who knows *sigh*

I took the first step in my healing process by planting a tree in my backyard to remember my Little Bean. And all of *this*. This - meaning all the shit that my husband and I have been through because of Infertility, all the pain, the hurt and for each of my losses that will never be. Had I not miscarried in November we would have brought home a baby this week :| It still breaks my heart. This tree is also my hope. Because I do still have a lot of hope!! I will watch it grow and change, and I will hope with each new leaf and each new inch that I will be that much closer to my goal. A baby. A life that will be a piece of both of us, a life to carry on after ours. I feel much peace after planting my tree. I buried beneath it a sonogram picture, a short note, that first pregnancy test and my hospital bracelet with the date it all happened. . . It feels as if I set a part of my self free. I feel good about that and ready to move on with finding myself again. . .  Much love to you all ♥



  1. I'm glad you're giving yourself what you need to heal. I know I'll be here whenever you need us! Much love! XOXO

    1. Thank you, Laura :) I love you all so much and am so grateful to have so much support!

  2. Take all the time you need to heal and recover. We'll be here when you return. :)

    1. Thank you so much, and I hope you are doing well... I'm excited that you are almost through the first trimester!!! Take care!

  3. Oh Crystal, your video is beautiful. It made me cry to see you grieving like this - and made me cry as I grieve for myself and all of us here.

    Enjoy your break - time off is a wonderful thing. Time really does heal.

    You are such a beautiful person, thank you for so intimately sharing so much of yourself with us. We'll be here whenever you need a friend.

    1. Thank you, Alicia :) Sorry to make you cry, lol. I will definitely enjoy my break and I'll be back to posting sooner rather than later :) Take care of your self!!!

  4. You will be missed, but I hope that this place remains a place for support and comfort for you when you need. Thinking of you.

    1. Thank you, Amy :) I appreciate your sweet words and your support. . . more than you know!

  5. I will miss your blog posts but I can understand wanting to take a break from the community for a while. I may end up doing the same too since I'm on pelvic rest and reading about another BFP might send me over the deep edge.

    1. Awe, Thanks, Rebecca! I hope you are recovering well, and yes, some day's seeing a BFP is enough to send me running for the hills. lol

  6. Crystal, your video made me sob, you are such a wonderful person! I enjoy reading your blog so much I will miss you but take the time you need to heal yourself and if you ever want to chat about anything please email me :) I will be thinking about you often!
    Lots and lots of love

    1. Alexis... Thank you. . . I know that for you watching that video must have been very raw, having just suffered the loss of your little angel. I will be back soon enough. . . Just happy to be finding my "happy" place again!! Take care and I can't wait to see what the next few months bring for you (((hugs)))

  7. Oh Crystal, you are amazing! Thank you for sharing that video with us. What a beautiful way to remember your little bean. Of course we all understand if you need to take a break for awhile. I think it will be a really healing experience for you. Take care and remember that we're all with you in spirit!

    1. Thank you and you're welcome! I look out at my little tree everyday :) It brings a lot of peace to my heart and I'm so grateful to feel that!!

  8. I totally understand everything you're saying about needing time and not knowing about IVF and just needing space for you! I am so sorry you have had to go through so much but I truly hope this time and space is exactly what you need to be "you" again. Take care of yourself and let us all know how you are when you are ready! Sending you healing thoughts and positive vibes for a strong spiritual recovery. xoxo

    1. IVF is such a scary thought. . . Thank you so much for your supportive words, they will not be forgotten, ever :)

  9. Infertility can take a lot from you! I hope you have some fun on your break!

    1. Thank you, Sandy!! I'm already feeling a bit more like myself :)

  10. Beautiful Honey, just beautiful. I hope you are able to work through things on your break and you find the peace and healing you need. I will miss you. Hugz!

    1. Thank you so much, Emily. I'm am working through a lot of stuff and it feels really, really good! We'll get our little miracle someday, but right now we'll just wade the waters and wait for our moment :)

  11. Was thinking of you today. I hope all is well and that you're finding some happiness amidst all you've been through recently. Hugs.

  12. Thank you for commenting on my blog last week. It was heartbreaking to read this post and about your journey. I am so terribly sorry for everything you have been through. At the same time, well done for being so unbelievably strong through this all. I know you will find your dream one day.


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